Dr. Oliver Knörzer brings decades of experience from the medical technology and pharmaceutical industry to the table
The long-term loyalty of qualified and committed employees to your company results from a higher level of identification with the company.
BESTMINDS Executive Search is expanding its team with Zelmira Sopirova-Rudolph. She places specialists and executives in the fields of gynecology and…
BESTMINDS Executive Search is expanding its team with Simone Kiser. She has over 14 years of experience in the medical technology and pharma industry
We are delighted that our team at BESTMINDS is growing and welcome two Senior Partners! Simone Kiser and Dr. Oliver Knörzer strengthen our expertise…
At first glance, "automotive technology" and "medicine" seem to have little in common. However, an exciting transformation has taken place in recent…
We at BESTMINDS think the topic is very important and would like to draw attention to it with this campaign. Join in and raise awareness - the…
Focus on new technologies such as telemedicine, artificial intelligence (AI) and wearables - and how companies can find talented people with the right…
He has been supporting BESTMINDS in Freiburg as a Senior Partner since October 2023.
In today's fast-paced world, it is becoming increasingly important for companies to react promptly to changes. Agile working enables this