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Medical technology production worldwide: Germany in 3rd place after USA and China

"Looking at the global production of medical technology goods (excluding IVDs), which amounted to around 320 billion US dollars in 2015, Germany, with a share of 9.3 percent, is in third place after the USA (38.8 percent) and China (12.2 percent), but well ahead of Japan (5.2 percent) and Mexico (4.9 percent) (source: Spectaris, Spotlight 2017)."

Graphic: Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V., Reinhardtstraße 29b, D-10117 Berlin, Tel.: +49 (0)30 246 255 - 0 V.i.S.d.P.: Manfred Beeres, Leiter Kommunikation/Presse,,


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