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BESTMINDS wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Our donation this year goes to the AWO Freiburg for their commitment "Christmas with Heart" against poverty in old age.

December is another busy, hectic month for many. For a surprisingly large number of old people, however, it is a time when their oppressive poverty tortures them most.
That is why this year's donation goes to the AWO for its commitment to fight poverty in old age. With this donation we would also like to draw attention to a topic that is becoming increasingly important in society. After all, the number of people who are dependent on social welfare or basic security in old age is constantly rising.
Although the AWO Freiburg does not have the opportunity to "turn the big political wheel", it can work on a small scale and give the elderly people it cares for the feeling that they are not forgotten. For this purpose, the AWO launched two projects a few years ago: "Christmas with a heart - a Christmas parcel and much more" and the "Lunch in the senior citizens' residence".
We would like to express our sincere thanks for the pleasant cooperation in 2013 under the motto: More specialized. More competent. Closer to it. We look forward to the coming year and many common challenges.
We wish you and your relatives a restful and happy Christmas season and a good start into the New Year!

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