Therefore, in addition to a well-functioning network, a presence in the digital media is a basic requirement for job searches. Networking pays off in every job situation and is a good basis for your professional situation. That is why you should build up your network before you really need it. Because an intact network is always an advantage for your career. Nowadays, half of all jobs are placed through existing contacts. We will give you tips on how to build and maintain your network.
Especially business platforms such as XING, LinkedIn and also Facebook are suitable as serious networks for the presentation of one's own person and interests. Over 10 million members worldwide use the XING platform for business, jobs and careers. Professionals from all sectors network on XING, they search and find jobs, employees, assignments, cooperation partners, professional advice or business ideas. Members exchange information online in more than 40,000 professional groups, and regular nationwide business meetings are held on a wide range of topics. Once you have created your profile in the business platforms, you should constantly update your profile, because this shows that you are always up to date and show commitment. Also pay attention to the number of your contacts. Under twenty confirmed contacts your profile is not interesting. And remember, your contacts also want to be "maintained". Inform them regularly about news from your professional environment. That way you will always stay in touch with your network.
In all sectors, there are now networks that have come together to exchange information, represent common interests and work on issues together. The focus is on communication at these meetings. Usually combined with technical contributions, these meetings are held regularly for different interest groups. Whether for executives, managers, department heads or administrators, there are suitable network meetings for all groups. Look for a suitable network for you. You can find it via the business platforms or via specialist media. And visit the scheduled meetings regularly. You will meet many interesting people whose contact can be very useful in your career. This also applies to your private network. At public receptions, galas, vernissages, celebrations and e.g. on the golf course you will meet people with multiple contacts. Especially at larger events you should always have your business cards ready. It is advisable to keep a digital address book with information about when and where the person was met and interesting keywords.
Today, the rule is that those who cannot be found on the Internet via search engines are not actually present. In daily business it is a fixed requirement to be noticed via company websites, a personal homepage or business platforms. When setting up your profile, however, you should always be aware that not only recruiters, but also your own superiors and colleagues look at your profile. Check the Internet regularly and search for your own name. If you enter your first and last name in quotation marks, e.g. in Google (example: 'Max Mustermann'), all entries on websites, in forums and databases relating to your name will be displayed.
If the time has come for you to actively seek a new job, you should revise your profiles in the business platforms and specify your job requirements. This includes expressing your ideas in keywords. The more keywords you use, the more you will be perceived as a serious job candidate. Especially the job exchanges on the business networks offer a variety of job opportunities. In the meantime, job offers that are interesting for you are automatically displayed. Deal intensively with the required job offers, your dream job could be offered here.
Job offers in the print media are often not very meaningful. Before you compile your application documents, you should try to establish contact with employees of the searching company via your network and find out detailed information about the job. Relationships are always crucial in the job search. Recommendations from your own network are helpful. They can only be helpful. Companies hire the candidate with the best profile. So don't overload your private network with your job wishes.
Career starters have a particularly difficult time. Their network consists mostly of young people who are still at the beginning of their career. That's why it is important for newcomers to establish contacts via professional associations or other institutions as early as during their training or studies - but at the latest when starting their career. The private network can also be a decisive motor for job search: Family, friends, neighbours, fellow students, even their parents or contacts from the leisure sector can turn out to be important contacts with regard to the job search. Maintaining networks and constant contact are also important here.