With the right facts, the applicant can convince the recruiter of his or her strengths and present his or her professional career in the best possible way. Especially if you apply for a position abroad. But what does an ideal CV look like? We will show you how you can best emphasize your strengths in your CV using a concrete example - the internationally recognized Europass CV (EU CV). You will find the download link at the end of the text.
The EU-CV shows the straightforwardness of the applicant. Especially helpful for the HR manager is the short presentation of the current job and the limitation to the essentials.
Striking and positive aspects of the EU CV are the following:
- The short profile that shows the recruiter where the applicant sees his or her strengths
- The chronological sequence of the career. For the reader, the most important - namely the most current - facts are at the top of the page and can thus be grasped quickly.
- The keyword list of achieved goals and current projects gives a detailed picture of the applicant. In an upcoming job interview, the personnel manager can directly address the topic.
- The performance of voluntary activities also indicates a high level of commitment on the part of the applicant. If an applicant holds several honorary offices, it is advisable to limit the number of tasks to 1 or 2, so that the impression is not created that private commitment takes up more space than professional activity.
Click here to download an EU CV example.