Graphic: Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V., Reinhardtstraße 29b, D-10117 Berlin, Tel.: +49 (0)30 246 255 – 0 V.i.S.d.P.: Manfred Beeres, Leiter Kommunikation/Presse,,
The Federal Association of Medical Technology (BVMed) published its annual report on the medical technology industry in germany for the year 2019 in March. These show a clear upward trend in terms of jobs and sales. Potential for the next few years is therefore given.
In total, the medical technology sector employs 210,000 people in Germany. Despite an increase compared to last year, the sector still has difficulties in filling vacancies.
Other sectors are also indirectly benefiting from new jobs. Each employee in the medical technology sector secures 0.75 jobs in other sectors, which means that 157,500 additional jobs have been created.
With an annual turnover of 32 billion euros, this represents an increase of 1.7 billion euros compared to the previous year. Each employee is responsible for an annual turnover of 150,000 euros or a monthly turnover of 12,500 euros.
Almost 2/3 of the turnover is generated by exports to other countries. Half of all exports goes to European countries, followed by North America and China.
9% of the annual turnover, i.e. 2.88 billion euros, is put back into research and development. An investment that pays off. This is because 1/3 of the total annual turnover is generated by medical products that are less than three years old.
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