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The cardiology MedTech segment is expected to grow by 40% by 2022

It is predicted that sales in the global medical technology industry will continue to grow. The front-runners in 2022 would then be: cardiology, diagnostics and orthopedics.

Kardiologie Medizintechnik

Graphic: Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V., Reinhardtstraße 29b, D-10117 Berlin, Tel.: +49 (0)30 246 255 – 0 V.i.S.d.P.: Manfred Beeres, Leiter Kommunikation/Presse,,

The German Medical Technology Association (BVMed) published new forecasts for several sub-segments of the medical technology industry in its Medical Technology 2020 market study. This study compares the year 2016 with the forecast sales for 2022. The chart above shows the ten sub-segments with the highest sales, which account for a market share of 50%.

An aging world population ensures long-term growth

The medical technology industry is expected to continue to grow in the years to come. The main reason for this is the constantly aging world population, which is dependent on medical technology equipment. This year alone, the total volume of the medical technology sector is approximately 490 billion euros. By the year 2050, the share of the world population over 60 years of age is expected to increase from 23% to 32%.

Industry experts for executive search

The personnel consultants at BESTMINDS have specialized in the most important sub-segments of the medical technology industry and are looking for qualified top employees in these segments.

Do you have a vacancy to fill in the following sub-segments? Then contact us without obligation using this contact form or send an e-mail to the personnel consultant most suitable for you by clicking on the following links:


Cardiology: Heidelore Gerbing and Fritz Kurz

Diagnostics: Siegfried Faix, Marianne Jaschke and Christian Männlin

Orthopedics: Bernhard Joekel and Fritz Kurz

Ophthalmology: Siegfried Faix

Wound treatment: Heidelore Gerbing and Bernhard Joekel

Dentistry: Siegfried Faix and Jochen Transier

Endoscopy: Heidelore Gerbing and Christian Männlin

Drug administration: Marianne Jaschke

Surgery: Siegfried Faix und Jochen Transier

Diabetes: Marianne Jaschke und Peter Majer




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